“Time is not money. Time is worth way more than money.”
There’s an important reason why you’re an entrepreneur.
If you are like me, it’s because you like problem-solving. And envisioning ideas that figure out creative solutions to all kinds of problems.
But most business owners I talk to end up being trapped in the draining execution of their day-to-day tasks.
Which is sad and disempowering. Because those are the kinds of things you were trying to escape when you started your business.
If you only enjoyed execution and following to-do lists, you would most likely still be working for someone else. Am I right?
It’s completely normal if you don’t enjoy everything you think you need to be doing. It’s part of the business. But it’s just you and everything depends on your performance, day in and day out.
But here’s the painful part: Because you’re an entrepreneur and crave creative problem-solving, you end up starting and stopping a mind-numbing number of projects just for entertainment to give yourself some variety and distraction. And if you’re not careful, that becomes a trap and hard to escape.
Think about your business as your horse to ride. It’s a way to take care of your needs and to free you up to do the daydreaming that you so love.
What if you created a semi-entertaining business that brings out the best in you by doing only the things; you’re the best at and love doing?
If you do, then you have an entertaining life. This is the point of having a business: to give yourself more time to actually enjoy your life.
So, what would it be like If you could set up part of your business so that it runs by itself with a minimum amount of involvement from you?
A way for 70% of the things you believe you “have to do”, but don’t like to do. What would those activities be? Write them down.
The best money you could spend for your business right now is to find someone who could do 70% of the work with your supervision. And free up your time to do more of the 30% that’s left to do that you enjoy doing…
When you set yourself free to do the things you love and are best at, then you will see your business go to a whole other level of income, growth, and joy.
All the best,